Sunday, January 18, 2015

Measure Twice, Cut Once

Happy New Year! We hope that everyone had a great holiday! While it may not seem like it, we have been busy. Once we finished the hardwood in the first room, we had some things in the remaining construction zone that we had to address before moving forward. First, we had to get rid of that  light switch that was hanging in the middle of the room and had some recessed lighting installed. 

To everyone that got us a Home Depot giftcard for Christmas, we wanted to say thank you for our recessed lighting! We also took advantage of the holiday deals and bought a gas stove. We are waiting to hook it up until we get a plan in place for the kitchen cabinets.

This weekend, we sat down and talked to someone about our plans for the kitchen layout. We presented our roughly sketched out measurements and designs on graph paper, and they put everything into a design program. We definitely felt like we were on an HGTV show!  

We decided to raise one of the windows, so we can run along the back wall and have an island that faces into the family room. It was definitely fun to actually see a true mock up of the plans we have had in our heads and seeing how it will really look. In the picture above, the whole right side looks really empty, however, that is where we plan to have our kitchen table and a hutch along the back wall. 

We have some things we need to finalize before we can get the cabinets, like picking out a microwave and sink. Once we do that, we'll order the cabinets, then finish laying the hardwood, raise the window, fill the seam in with some drywall and paint. Doesn't sound like too much :)
