Sunday, February 8, 2015

Crunch Time

Things are trucking along here in demo world! Last weekend, we sat down and finalized all the plans for the kitchen cabinets. The order is in and they should arrive in the beginning of March. So, we have been busy trying to get everything else done before then!

Steve stopped by last weekend to help Dan take down the railing that was at the edge of the kitchen leading into the family room.   

They also installed the stair nose for the hardwood so we could get started with laying the hardwood in the kitchen. It was surprising how big of a difference that made having that down.

This weekend, my parents came down to help us take down the remaining cabinets, patch up some drywall and remove the sink, so we could run hardwood under where the new cabinets will be. 

We had removed the tile back splash a few months ago, and were planning on replacing the drywall just where the back splash used to be. Once the cabinets were removed, we realized that it would probably be easier to remove all of the drywall and replace the full sheets. More demo! 

Then, the guys got to work on putting up new drywall and patching the seams. And that was our Saturday night :)

Sunday morning, we moved our thermostat from the kitchen into the dining room and upgraded to a programmable one. Then the guys got to work on laying the hardwood in the transition from our new dining room to our kitchen. 

The first row was the most important and difficult because they had to be cut thin to align the boards that came through the transition. They got a couple of rows in before my parents headed home. Hopefully, this week, Dan and I will be able to finish enough rows to fit under the fridge. Luckily, we have a three day weekend coming up, and will be able to finish the hardwood in the kitchen (fingers crossed!). 

Happy Sunday!

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