Sunday, March 15, 2015

Cabinets and Granite

We took a small break from our project and went on vacation in the Caribbean for a week. It was a welcome break from both the project and the winter weather, but since we've been back, we have been busy.

Last Monday, all the cabinets got delivered. The dining room was filled with boxes of cabinets and parts. 

The following week, the contractor came and installed about half of the cabinets. Its finally starting to look like a kitchen again! 

We love how the color of the cabinets looks with the hardwood. There were some extra pieces that we had to order, but all in all, the first part of the installation went pretty well. 

The same day the cabinets were getting installed, the carpenter was there working on raising the windows in the kitchen. He did all the prep work that day, and came back later in the week to install the new windows. The windows look great and he was able to use some of the old casing, so they look like they have always been that way! He also helped us put in the vent for the microwave, so now with those two things done, the rest of the cabinets can be installed. 

Over the weekend, Dan's mom came to visit, and her and Karen came with us to go granite shopping. After visiting a show room, we went out to a warehouse that had tons and tons of granite, marble, onyx options for counter tops. Dan and I had already narrowed down the color scheme we were looking for, and after ranking a number of choices, we narrowed it down to the one in the picture below. 

The larger slab had more of a variation in pattern and color, with some greens and reddish hues throughout. It's a little bolder in pattern than we thought we would go with, but we absolutely love it. Once the cabinets are all installed, the granite company will come out and make some measurements, and then we'll be able to get that installed.

The light at the end of the tunnel for this project is getting bigger and bigger. We are both excited to have a working sink and being able to put our dishes and pantry items away so we know where they are. 

We have been using our little wet-bar sink to wash all our dishes, which has been fun. Our pantry is in boxes on the floor in our living room, which has provided challenges in finding things.

Here's hoping the rest of the cabinet installation goes well!


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