Sunday, November 9, 2014

Demo is Done!!

After last weekend, we still had a small portion of the wall up, and at the time we hadn't decided whether we were going to remove it, or do a cut out of the wall. We decided that if we were going to do a cut out, we might as well take the whole thing down. Doing that and removing the rest of the back splash was on deck for this weekend. 

Dan tackled the wall, while I got to work on removing the back splash. It turns out that tile is a lot more challenging to remove when there is drywall behind it versus a plywood sub-floor! Once that wall was down, it was amazing how much of a difference it made. The space seemed much more open and flowed so much better than before.

We then were able to set up the kitchen in the configuration we envisioned when we started this whole project to see how it would look. The stove and cabinets fit snugly between the windows, and there will just be some minor adjustments we will have to make. We also positioned the kitchen table where we want it to go, as well as use the beer pong table to act as the cabinets/shelf we are thinking about for that back wall. We taped off an area on the floor where we were thinking an island would go just to give us an idea of spacing. 

We went shopping today to look at some gas stoves and a new microwave, as well as some options for our island. We didn't pull the trigger on anything yet, but got some great ideas. Since the demo work is all done, we probably won't do a whole lot for the next couple weekends. After Thanksgiving, we are going to start to lay the hardwood, so that is when the real fun will start! 

For now, I will leave you with a photo of the last of our dahlias from our flower bed. These quickly became our new favorite flower and we were shocked with how well they did out front. We can't wait to plant more next year! 


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