Thursday, November 6, 2014

Once there was a wall

Sorry this is a little late, but last weekend we got to work on the cabinets and the wall that we are going to remove. My parents came down to help us out, and we put them to work! First, we removed the granite counter-tops edge pieces, which ended up coming off all in one piece with very little effort. Then we took out the microwave and  removed the cabinets from the wall. As you can see in the picture, my mom was collecting all the screws and hardware while Dan and my dad removed the cabinets.

One fortunate thing we found when we removed the cabinets was that they were finished on both sides, so we won't have to worry about getting extra pieces of facing when we flip them. That was a pleasant surprise. 

Then, the guys got to work taking the remaining drywall off, as well as tearing up the tile and second sub-floor that was under the stove and cabinets. They also moved the refrigerator and dish washer to remove the tile and second sub-floor from under there as well. 

We then removed some of the 2x4 from where the wall was that didn't have any electrical wiring running through them. The electrician was coming out this week to deal with the wiring in the wall, so we had to wait to remove the rest of the beams. 

While we were doing some of the demo, we found some old lists from the previous owners under the stove and one of the cabinets. Its hard to read what they say, but I think the one says that there are chips in the cabinet and the other one looks to say something about January and pants. 

At the end of the day, this is what we were left with. It was quite the productive weekend and we were very thankful that we had some help with all of it. We rewarded my parents with a fabulous mexican dinner and ended the night with some Just Dance :)

Next on the plate is to remove the back-splash from under the other cabinets and go shopping for a gas stove! We'll be moving some things around this weekend to get a better idea for what we want to do with an island, and installing the hardwood is right around the corner!


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